In this blog post, I will show you how to use the GraphClient in a VB.Net application. You will need to create an app registration for this project. I used the exact same app registration that I used in my previous VB.Net blog post here.
SDK Reference:
I am using Visual Studio 2019 in this example. To begin, please start a VB.Net Console application and then install the following nuget packages:
Install nuget packages:
This will also install
- Microsoft.Graph.Core
- Microsoft.Json
- System.Buffers
- System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource
- System.Numerics.Vectors
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe
- System.ValueTuple
I will be creating a custom Authentication Provider for this project. The reference for this:
Creating an Authentication Provider Reference:
I am creating a custom authentication provider class called “InteractiveAuthentionProvider.vb”
There is a preview component you can install that has these classes built in so that you don’t have to implement your own class: That is currently in preview mode so I will blog about this later.
I have the custom InteractiveAuthenticationProvider class that will be passed to GraphClient. In Module1, you will need to enter your client ID and tenant ID. Refer to my previous blog post here about setting up the app registration.
Imports System.Net.Http Imports Microsoft.Graph Imports Microsoft.Identity.Client ''' <summary> ''' This is a custom class to implement the IAuthenticationProvider class. You can implement the new preview Microsoft.Graph.Auth which has ''' built in classes for the authentication providers: ''' </summary> Public Class InteractiveAuthenticationProvider Implements IAuthenticationProvider Private Property Pca As IPublicClientApplication Private Property Scopes As List(Of String) Private Sub New() 'Intentionally left blank to prevent empty constructor End Sub ''' <summary> ''' The constructor for this custom implementation of the IAuthenticationProvider ''' </summary> ''' <param name="pca">The public client application -- in this example, I have pre-set this up prior to creating the auth provider</param> ''' <param name="scopes">The scopes for the request</param> Public Sub New(pca As IPublicClientApplication, scopes As List(Of String)) Me.Pca = pca Me.Scopes = scopes End Sub ''' <summary> ''' This is the required implmentation of the AuthenticateRequestAsync Method for the IAuthenticationProvider interface ''' </summary> ''' <param name="request">The current graph request being made</param> ''' <returns></returns> Public Async Function AuthenticateRequestAsync(request As HttpRequestMessage) As Task Implements IAuthenticationProvider.AuthenticateRequestAsync Dim accounts As IEnumerable(Of IAccount) Dim result As AuthenticationResult = Nothing accounts = Await Pca.GetAccountsAsync() Dim interactionRequired As Boolean = False Try result = Await Pca.AcquireTokenSilent(Scopes, accounts.FirstOrDefault).ExecuteAsync() Catch ex1 As MsalUiRequiredException interactionRequired = True Catch ex2 As Exception Console.WriteLine($"Authentication error: {ex2.Message}") End Try If interactionRequired Then Try result = Await Pca.AcquireTokenInteractive(Scopes).ExecuteAsync() Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine($"Authentication error: {ex.Message}") End Try End If Console.WriteLine($"Access Token: {result.AccessToken}{Environment.NewLine}") Console.WriteLine($"Graph Request: {request.RequestUri}") 'You must set the access token for the authorization of the current request request.Headers.Authorization = New Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken) End Function End Class
Imports Microsoft.Graph Imports Microsoft.Identity.Client Imports Newtonsoft.Json Module Module1 Private Const client_id As String = "{client id -- also known as application id}" '<-- enter the client_id guid here Private Const tenant_id As String = "{tenant id or name}" '<-- enter either your tenant id here Private authority As String = $"{tenant_id}" Private _scopes As New List(Of String) Private ReadOnly Property scopes As List(Of String) Get If _scopes.Count = 0 Then _scopes.Add("") '<-- add each scope you want to send as a seperate .add End If Return _scopes End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' underlaying variable for the readonly property PCA which returns an instance of the PublicClientApplication ''' </summary> Private _pca As IPublicClientApplication = Nothing Private ReadOnly Property PCA As IPublicClientApplication Get If _pca Is Nothing Then _pca = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(client_id).WithAdfsAuthority(authority).Build() End If Return _pca End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' The underlaying variable for the Authentication Provider readonly property ''' </summary> Private _authProvider As InteractiveAuthenticationProvider = Nothing Private ReadOnly Property AuthProvider As InteractiveAuthenticationProvider Get If _authProvider Is Nothing Then _authProvider = New InteractiveAuthenticationProvider(PCA, scopes) End If Return _authProvider End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' The underlaying variable for the graphClient readonly property ''' </summary> Private _graphClient As GraphServiceClient = Nothing Private ReadOnly Property GraphClient As GraphServiceClient Get If _graphClient Is Nothing Then _graphClient = New GraphServiceClient(AuthProvider) End If Return _graphClient End Get End Property Sub Main() Get_Me() Console.ReadKey() End Sub Private Async Sub Get_Me() Dim user As User 'Using the Select to get the employeeId as the v1 endpoint does not automatically return that user = Await GraphClient.Me().Request().Select("displayName,employeeid").GetAsync() Console.WriteLine($"User = {user.DisplayName}, employeeid = {user.EmployeeId}") End Sub End Module
In summary, this example of using the GraphClient library in a VB.Net application demonstrates that, although different than the c# examples we have in our docs, there really isn’t much to using the different language.
how can you modify this to use a client secret key? instead of a login